Jumat, 23 November 2012

modal auxiliary


Tabel modal auxiliary :
Modal Murni
Similar Modal
Be able to
Be allowed to
Had to
Has to / Have to

Be going to

Aturan-aturan dalam modal auxiliary :
  1. Modal auxiliary harus di ikuti oleh invinitive ( V-1 tanpa to, s/es, V-2/V-3 )
  2. Untuk membuat pertanyaan, langsung letakkan modal sebelum subject.
  3. Di dalam 1 kalimat dilarang meletakkan 2 modal murni, maka harus menggunakan similar modal. Tetapi kalau tidak ada similar modal maka boleh menggunakn modal murni.

The function of Modal Auxiliary
  1. Can
a.1. Menyatakan kesanggupan atau kemampuan ( ability )
      example :
-          I can sing beautifully.
-          I can do everything without you.
     a.2. Minta izin ( permission )
            -     Can I borrow your book ?
            -     Can I come to your house ?
     a.3. Kemungkinan ( possibility )
            -     She can be at home tonight.
            -     She can be sick.

  1. Could ( bentuk lampau dari can tapi dalam penggunaannya tidak selalu .lampau )
b.1. bentuk lampau dari Can
                  - Sakinah could join in this program yesterday.
                   - She could not come to my party last week.
             b.2. Permintaan dengan sopan ( polite request )
                        - Could you borrow me money ?
                        - Could you take that book ?
            b.3. Kemungkinan ( possibility )
                        - He could be at home at that time.
                        - They could be a singer last week.

C. May
c.1 Permohinan izin ( permission )
                 - May I borrow your motorcycle ?
                 - May I go home now ?
c.2. Permohonan / harapan ( wishing )
                 - May god bless you
                 - May you both be happy
c.3. kemungkinan ( probability )
                 - They may be here.
c.4. Larangan ( prohibition )
                 - You may not go home.
                 - They may not come to my house.

D. Might ( bentuk lampau dari may tetapi penggunaanya dapat untuk masa kini atau   
     Mendatang ).
d.1. bentuk past dari may.
                 -  You might drive a car carefully.
d.2. Kemungkinan ( probability )
                 - It might be rain.
                 - she might be sick.
E. Must
e.1. keharusan / kewajiban ( obligation )
                 - We must study hard.
                 - you must go home now .
e.2. kalimat negative menggunakan Need Not ( tidak harus ).
                 - We need not go home now
e.3. Larangan ( musn’t / must not )
                 - You musn’t smoke in this class
                 - The student musn’t cheat during doing examination.
e.4. Menggunakan Has to ( harus ) untuk Subject She, He, It dalam benuk present.
                 - She has to work everyday.
                 - She doesn’t have to work everyday.
e.5. Menggunakan Have to ( harus ) untuk subject I, You, We, They dalam bentuk                      present
                 - I have to study hard to get a good value.
                 - You have to take a bath every morning
e.6. Bentuk lamapu dari Must ( harus ) adalah Had to untuk semua subject
                 - We had to do the exam yesterday.
                 - We didn’t have to do the exam yesterday.

F. Will
f.1. Berartikan Future Tense ( akan )
                 - I will go to school.
                 - They will not study together.
f.2. Permintaan dengan sopan ( polite request )
                 - Will you close the door ? ( maukah anda menutup pintu ? )

G. Would
g.1. Bentuk lampau dari will ( akan )
                 - He would come to my party yesterday
g.2. Permintaan dengan sopan ( polite request ) menggunakan would you mind
                 - Would you mind opening this program ?
g.3. Would + Like berarti hasrat / keinginan
                 - I would like to join you
                 - Would you like to go here ?
g.4. Would + Rather berarti lebih suka
                 - I would rather drink coffe than milk.          

H. Shall ( digunakan untuk subject I & We )
h.1. Sama penggunaanya dengan will ( Future Tense )
                 - I shall help you
h.2. Menawarkan Bantuan
                 - Shall I open the door ?
h.3. Janji ( promise )
                 - You shall have a motorcycle next week
      ( saya menjanjikan kamu mempunyai sepeda motor minggu depan )
o   I shall come to your birthday party

I. Should
i.1. Bentuk lampau dari shall
               - They should play football yesterday.
i.2. Anjuran ( sebaiknya )
               - You are sick, you should drink medicine soon.


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