Sabtu, 24 November 2012

review film

Rigidity of a girl
( Small letter to god )

Director: Harris Nizam
Author: Beby Hasibuan

players: Alex Komang, Dinda Hauw, Esa Sigit, Ranty Purnamasari, Dwi Andika, Egi John Foreisythe

Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika or Keke (Dinda Hauw), her 13-year-old girl who was lucky, because it was born from a very being, having two older brothers and parents were very fond of her. Is not just that, but the hardness is also surrounded by his friends who are always loyal and always there with him, and complete with the presence of a lover who also loved her under any circumstances, namely Andy (Esa sigit).

            Everything looks so perfect. Until then Keke suffer Rhabdomyosarcoma (Cancer Soft Tissue) in Indonesia. Keke was turned into a "monster" and was forced to undergo radiation kemotrapi almost a year and, consequently, all. Keke hair gradually fall out, skin dry, and often nausea.

Keke realize life is not possible any longer to start blind eye sight due to cancer. Although keke know that he is a malignant cancer, she wasn’t mad at anyone, and wasn’t angry with the hide on yourself keke deadly disease. Keke always give a smile to anyone and always showed that he is strong and can still do well in school with the cancer he was feeling.
Keke struggle to bring the expected results. God gives opportunity to re keke with family and friends he loved.

But the cancer came back after the party holding happiness. Keke realized he thought no longer live in the world and always try to be tough and always grateful for the opportunity to be able to breathe much longer.

In the last breath keke, he wrote a small letter to god, hoping no more tears in the world to happen to anyone.

His letter is
God ...
I wish I could go back
I do not want no crying in this world.

God ...
I wish I could go back
I hope there is no longer the same thing happened to me,
happens to other people.

God ...
Can I write a little letter to You

God ...
Can I ask one small thing for You

God ...
Let I can see with my eyes
To look at the sky and the moon every day ..

God ...
Allow hair to grow back, so I can be a woman completely.

God ...
Could I smile any longer
So I can give you happiness
his father and his best friend

God ...
Give me the strength to be mature
So I can give meaning to life
to anyone who knows me ..

God ..
My little letter this
is the last letter of my life
I wish I could go back ...
To the world that you gave me ..

Evaluation :
I think the film is Possitif,  because this film gives a message to the audience to make sense of life better. Not a few spectators were in tears and even harder to stop the trickle of tears from her eyes as the completion of the film.

            Often in the comfort of your career, jobs and all the facilities are there, we are not complacent to live this life as well as possible with friends, children, wife / husband, and those closest to us. We are so engrossed in this life by our own selfishness and forgetting the values ​​of spirituality. But when we 'fell', we realized that we were given the chance to return closer to his Creator.
There are many good values in this film. We must be ourself although we are not rich and popular. We can’t life without our god .

If us see from message of Keke that ‘Every temptation of the God is a compulsion which must experiencing felt thanks. So  this  film more show positive side .

You should watch this film. This film is really interesting . You will not be boring if you watch this film and will watch it more than once. Really , You should watch this film. Don’t miss it!

... J You can see the film in Cinema J...

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