( Kalimat Pengandaian )
Macam-macam conditional sentence :
- Type I ( Future Possible )
- Type II ( Present Impossible )
- Type III ( Past Impossible )
- Type I ( Future Possible )
pengandaian yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Formula :
Simple Future
Tense + If. Simple Present Tense, atau
If. Simple
Present Tense, + Simple Future Tense
Example :
Verbal Sentence
+ Verbal Sentence
( I will love
you if you love me / If you love me, I will love you )
Verbal Sentence
+ Nominal Sentence
( I will study
hard if I am a student / If I am a student, I will study hard )
Nominal sentence
+ Nominal sentence
( I will be
happy if you are happy / If you are happy, I will be happy )
- Type II ( Present Impossible )
pengandaian yang sulit menjadi kenyataan karena berlwanan dengan kondisi disaat
Formula :
Simple Past
Future Tense + If. Simple Past Tense,
If. Simple Past
Tense + Simple Past Future Tense
The fact (
kenyataannya ) : Simple Present Tense
Example :
I would give you
money if you were my daughter.
The fact : I
don’t give you money because you are not my daughter.
you were my daughter, I would give you money.
fact : You are not my daughter so I don’t give you money.
kaliamat pengandaiannya berbentuk positive maka the fact ( kenyataannya ) harus
berupa kalimat negative.
kata penghubung because jika sub
clause ( If. Simple Past tense ) terletak dibelakang kalimat.
kata penghubung so jika sub clause (
If. Simple Past Tense ) terletak di awal kalimat.
penggunaan kalimat nominal dalam Simple past tense, maka To Be yang digunakan
adalah were untuk semua subyek.
- Type III ( Past Impossible ).
Penagandaian yang
tidak mungkin terjadi karena berlawanan dengan waktu atau kondisi lampau.
Formula :
Past Future
Perfect Tense + If. Past Perfect Tense, atau
If. Past Perfect
Tense, + Past Future Perfect Tense
The fact :
Simple Past Tense
Example :
I would have
gone to Surabaya if you had given me money.
The fact : I
didn’t go to Surabaya because you didn’t give me money.
If u had given
me money, I would have gone to Surabaya.
The fact : u
didn’t give me money so I didn’t go to Surabaya.
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