Jumat, 23 November 2012



            Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu / bentuk dari sebuah kata kerja yang menunjukkan :
  1. Waktu terjadinya peristiwa atau perbuatan
  2. Tingkat kesempurnaan suatu kegiatan pada waktu di lakukan atau peristiwa yang terjadi ( akan di lakukan, sedang terjadi, baru saja di mulai atau telah selesai ).

Kinds of tenses :

  1. Present tenses
  1. Simple present tense
  2. Present continuous tense
  3. Present perfect tense
  4. Present perfect continuous tense

  1. Past tenses
  1. Simple past / past tense
  2. Past continuous tense
  3. Past perfect tense
  4. Past perfect continuous tense

  1. Future tenses
1        Simple future tense
2        Future continuous tense
3        Future perfect tense
4        Future perfect continuous tense

  1. Past future trenses
  1. Past future tense
  2. Past future continuous tense
  3. Past future perfect tense
  4. Past future perfect continuous tense

  1. Present tenses
  1. Simple present tense
Verbal Sentence
Pola kalimat :
( + ) S + V-1(s/es) + O
( - )  S + Do/Does + Not + V-1 + O
( ? )  Do/Does + S + V-1 + O ?

Examples :
-          She eats rice everyday.
-          She does not eat rice everyday
-          Does she eat rice everyday ?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.

·         Menggunakan kata kerja bantu Does untuk subject she, he, sakinah, dan it.
·         Menggunakan kata kerja bantu Do untuk subject I, you, they, dan we.
·         Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yang di lakukan.
Example : My mother goes to market everyday.
                  I go to mosque five times everyday.
·         Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaranj umum.
Example  : The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
                   The earth revolves around the sun.
·         Kata kerja ( verb ) yang berakhiran dengan ss, sh, ch, x, dan o di tambah ES di dalam kalimat positive yang subjectnya she, he, sakinah and it, selainya cukup di tambah S.
·         Khusus verb yang berakhiran Y ada dua aturan dalam penggunaan kalimat positif yang subjectnya berupa she, he, sakinah, dan it  :
a.       Jika di depan huruf y berupa huruf mati ( konsonan ), huruf  y d ganti i dan di tambah es. Example : study – studies.
b.      Jika di depan huruf y berupa huruf hidup ( vowel ) cukup di tambah s setelah huruf y. example :   play – plays
·         Keterangan waktu ( adverbial of time ) dalam simple present tense.
Everyday         : setiap hari                  Seldom            : jarang
Every week     : setiap minggu            Never              : tidak pernah
Twice a week : dua kali seminggu     Often               : sering
Usually            : biasanya                    Ever                 : pernah
Always            : selalu                         On Sunday      : di hari ahad
At night           : di malam hari

Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
Ø  Who ( siapa )   - menanyakan orang sebagai subject.
Ø  Whom ( siapa ) – menanyakan orang sebagai object.
Ø  Whose ( punya siapa ) – mananyakan kepemilikan.
Ø  Where ( dimana / kemana ) – menanyakan tempat.
Ø  What ( apa ) – menanyakan jabatan, subject/object nonperson, aktivitas.
Ø  When ( kapan ) – menanyakan waktu.
Ø  Why ( mengapa ) – menanyakan alas an / sebab.
Ø  How ( bagaimana ) – menanyakan keadaan.
Ø  How many ( berapa banyak ) – menanyakan benda yang dapat di hitung.
Ø  How much ( berapa banyak ) – menanyakan benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Ø  How old ( berapa umur ) – menanyakan umur.
Ø  How tall ( berapa tinggi ) – menanyakan tinggi orang.
Ø  How high ( barapa tinggi ) – menanyakan tinggi benda.
Ø  How weight ( berapa berat ) – menanyakan berat.

Menggunakan kata Tanya ( question word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject.
Q.W. + verb-1 (s/es) + O ?
                        b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject.
                              Q.W. + Do/Does  + S + V-1 ?
                                    Example : ­She speaks English .
                                                       a       b          c
                                                a. Who speaks English ?
                                                b. What does she do ?
                                                c. What does she speak ?
            Nominal Sentence : Kalimat yang predikatnya berupa To Be ( is, am are )
            Pola kalimat :
            ( + ) S + To Be + ANA ( complement )
            ( - )  S + To Be + Not + ANA ( complement )
            ( ? ) To Be + S + ANA ( complement ) ?
                        Example :
                        ( + ) She is a student.
                        ( - ) She is not a student.
                        ( ? ) Is she a student ?

            Catatan : Menggunakan To Be ( am ) untuk subject I.
                           Menggunakan To Be ( Is ) uuntuk subject He, She, It, Iin, Jabatan.
                           Menggunakan To Be ( are ) untuk subject You, We, They.

                           ANA ( Adjective, Noun, Adverb ) :
·         Adjective : Clever, Ugly, Handsome, Beautiful, etc….
·         Noun       : Student, Teacher, Table, Book, Pen, etc….
·         Adverb                : Here, In the class, Over there, At home, Fast, Slowly, etc….

  1. Present Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas / kegiatan yang sedang di lakukan sekarang.
Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + To Be ( is, am are ) + V-Ing + O.
( - )  S + To Be ( is, am, are ) + Not + V-Ing + O .
( ? )  To Be ( is, am, are ) + S + V-Ing + O ?
            Examples :
( + ) I am studying English.
( - ) I am not studying English.
( ? ) Am I studying English ?

                        Menggunakan To Be ( am ) untuk subject I.
                        Menggunakan To Be ( Is ) uuntuk subject He, She, It, Iin, Jabatan.
                        Menggunakan To Be ( are ) untuk subject You, We, They.

-          Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sudah direncanakan akan di lakukan pada masa yang akan datang ( keterangan waktunya harus disebutkan )
Example : Iin is going to the theatre tonight.
-          Di gunakan untuk menyatakan perubahan situasi.
Example : The population of the world is rising very fast.
                 You are getting fatter now.
-          Kata kerja yang tdak bsa digunakan dalam tense ini.
See, hear, smell, notice, want, desire, refuse, forgive, hate, etc…
            Nominal Sentence
            Pola kalimat :
            ( + ) S + To Be ( is, am, are ) + (being) + ANA (compement).
            ( - )  S + To Be (is, am, are ) + Not + (being) + ANA (complement).
            ( ? ) To Be (is, a, are) + S + (being) + ANA (complement) ?
                        Example :
                        ( + ) She is (being) beautiful.
                        ( - ) She is not ( being) beautiful.
                        ( ? ) Is she (being) beautiful ?

            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject.
Q.W + Is + V-ing + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject.
                  Q.W. + is, am, are + S +V-ing ?
            Example : I am ­studying English.
                             a           b            c
a.       Who is studying English ?
b.      What am I doing ?
c.       What am I studying ?

Keterangan waktu ( adverbial of time ) yang biasa di gunakan dalam present continuous tense :
-          Now                      = sekarang
-          Tonight                  = mala mini
-          Today                    = hari ini
-          At present                         = pada saat ini
-          This evening          = sore ini
-          This afternoon       = siang ini
-          Tomorrow             = besok
-          Etc….

  1. Present Perfect Tense
Di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang sudah selesai di laksanakan pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan masa sekarang.
Example : I have bought a new car.

Verbal sentence
Pola kalimat :
( + ) S + Have/Has + V-3 + O
( - )  S + Have/Has + Not + V-3 + O
( ? )  Have/Has + S + V-3 + O ?
Example :
( + ) She has studied English
( - ) She has not studied English
( ? ) Has she studied English ?

-          Auxiliary Has digunakan untuk subject He, She, It, Sakinah
-          Auxiliary Have digunakan untuk subject I, You, We, They
-          Sering menggunakan For dan Since .
For(selama) = menunjukkan arti lamanya jangka waktu hingga kini
Example : For a week
                  For a long time
                  For six month
                  For three days
                  For six years
Contoh dalam kalimat : I have studied English for six minths

Since(sejak) = menunjukkan arti dari suatu saat tertentu pada waktu lampau hingga kini.
Example : Since January
                  Since I left to school
                  Since the last five years
Contoh dalam kalimat :
 I have left Jakarta since January.
            ­Nominal sentence
            Pola Kalimat :
            ( + ) S + Have/Has + Been + ANA ( Complement )
            ( - )  S + Have/Has + Not + Been + ANA ( Complement )
            ( ? ) Have/Has + S + Been + ANA ( Complement )
                        Example :
                        ( + ) She has been here for three months
                        ( - )  She has not been here for three months
                        ( ? ) Has She been here for three months ?
            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Has + V-3 + O ?
            b.  Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                 Q.W. + Has/Have + S + V-3 ?

Example :
My handsome father has bought a new car.
  a         b         __­­­­­__            d      e   f     
   c                                         g
a. Whose handsome father has bought a new car ?
b. Which my father has bought a new car ?
c. Who has bought a new car ?
d. What has my handsome father done ?
e. How many new cars has my handsome father bought ?
f. Which a car has my handsome father bought ?
g. What has my handsome father bought ?

Keterasngan waktu ( advereb of time ) yang di gunakan :
-          For             = selama
-          Since         = sejak
-          Already     = sudah
-          Never        = tidak pernah
-          Just            = baru saja
-          Ever (?)     = pernah
-          Almost      = hamper
-          Recently    = baru baru ini
-          Lately        = ahir-ahir ini
-          Until now  = sampai sekarang
-          Up to now = sampai saat ini

  1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang telah mulai dilakukan pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.
Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Have/Has + Been + V-ing + O
( - )  S + Has/Have + Not + Been + V-ing + O
( ? ) Has/Have + S + Been + V-ing + O ?
Example :
( + ) My friend has been studying English for three years
( - ) My friend has not been studying English for three years
( ? ) Has my friend been studying English for three years ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Has/Have + Been + (being) + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Has/Have + Not + Been + (being) + ANA ( complement )
( ? ) Has/Have + S + Been + (being) + ANA (complement ) ?
Example :
( + ) She has been (being) a teacher for a year
( - ) She has not been (being) a teacher  for a year
            ( ? ) Has she been (being) a teacher for a year ?

            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( question word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Has + Been + V-ing + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Has/Have + S + Been + V-ing ?
            Example :
            They have been doing his work for three hours
               a                        b       c                    d
            a. Who has been doing his work for three hours ?
            b. What have they been doing ?
            c. Whose work have they been doing for three hours ?
            d. How long have they been doing his work ?

            Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          For             = selama
-          Since         = sejak
-          Never        = tidak pernah

  1. Past Tenses
  1. Simple Past Tense
-          Digunakan untuk menyatakan aktifitas / kegiatan yang terjadi di waktu lampau.
Example : I met her last week
-          Digunakan untuk menyatakn kebiasaan di waktu lampau.
Example : When I was young, I went swimming everyday.
Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + V-2 + O
( - )  S + Did + Not + V-1 + O
( ? ) Did + S + V-1 + O ?
Example :
( + ) I saw you yesterday
( - ) I didn’t see you yesterday
( ? ) Did I see you yesterday ?

Auxiliary Did digunakan untuk semua subject di dalam kalimat Negative dan Introgative.

Nominal Sentence
 Pola kalimat :
( + ) S + was/were  + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Was/Were + Not + ANA ( complement )
( ? ) Was/Were + S + ANA ( complement ) ?
Example :
( + ) She was an engineer
( - ) She was not an engineer
( ? ) Was she an angineer ?

Was dan Were digunakan di dalam kalimat nominal simple past.
-          Was digunakan untuk subject I, She, He, It, Sakinah
-          Were digunakan untuk subject You, We, They

                        Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( question word )
a.       Menanyakan subject
Q.W. + V-2 + O ?
                        b.   Menanyakan selain subject
                              Q.W. + Did + S + V-1 ?
                        Example : Sakinah did not study English two years ago
                                                a                      b          c             d
                        a. Who didn’t study English two years ago ?
                        b. What didn’t Sakinah do ?
                        c. What didn’t sakinah study two years ago ?
                        d. When didn’t sakinah study English ?

                        Keterangan waktu (adverb of time ) yang digunakan
-          Last week              = minggu lalu
-          Yesterday              = Kemarin
-          Two days ago        = dua hari yang lalu
-          Last…..                 = lalu
-          …..ago                  = lalu

  1. Past Continuous tense
Di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas atau kegiatan yang sedang di lakukan pada waktu lampau ketika perbuatan lain terjadi
Example : We were studying English while the bell rang.
Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Was/Were + V-ing + O
( - )  S + Was/Were + Not + V-ing + O
( ? ) Was/Were + S + V-ing + O ?
Example :
( + ) We were playing football all morning yesterday
( - )  We were not playing football all morning yesterday
( ? ) Were we playing football all morning yesterday ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Was/Were + (being) + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Was/Were + Not + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
( ? )  Was/Were  + S + (being) + ANA ( complement ) ?
Example :
( + ) She was ( being ) Crazy
( - ) She was not ( being ) crazy
( ? ) Was she ( being ) crazy ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( question word )
a.       Menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Was + V-ing + O ?
            b.   Menanyakan selain subject
                 Q.W. + Was/Were + S + V-ing ?
            Example :
            The students were doing homework at 07.00 o’clock last morning.
                        a                   b             c                                  d
            a. Who was doing homework at 07.00 o’clock last morning ?
            b. What were the students doing ?
            c. What were the students doing at 07.00 o’clock last morning ?
            d. When were the students doing homework ?

            Keterangan waktu (adverb of  time ) yang digunakan :
-          All morning yesterday      = Sepanjang pagi kemarin
-          At…..o’clock yesterday    = jam….. kemarin
-          As…..                                = ketika
-          When                                 = ketika
-          While                                 = ketika/sementara

  1. Past Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu perbuatan yang telah selesai dikerjakan ketika peristiwa lain terjadi di waktu lampau.
Example : When I reached the station, the train had left two weeks ago.
Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Had + V-3 + O
( - )  S + Had + Not + V-3 + O
( ? ) Had + S + V-3 + O ?
 Example :
( + ) She had studied English
( - ) She had not studied English
( ? ) Had she studied English ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Had + Been + ANA (Complement )
( - )  S + Had + Not + Been + ANA ( Complement )
( ? ) Had + S + Been + ANA ( complement )
Example :
( + ) The girl had been here
( - )  The girl had not been here
( ? ) Had the girl been here ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Had + V-3 + O ?
             b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                   Q.W. + Had + S + V-3 ?
                        Example :
                        My girlfriend had got a job.
                          a                           c  d                      
                                    b                      e
                        a. Whose girlfriend had got a job ?
                        b. Who had got a job ?
                        c. What had my girlfriend done ?
                        d. How many job had my girlfriend got ?
                        e. What had my girlfriend got ?

            Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          After                     = sesudah
-          As soon as             = segera setelah
-          Until / till               = hingga         
-          Before                   = sebelum
-          When                     = ketika

  1. Past Perfect Continuous (  Progressive ) Tense
Diguanakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa/kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan peristiwa itu masih berlangsung ketika peristiwa lain terjadi.
Example : I had been waiting for an hour when she arrived last night.

Verbal sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Had + Been + V-ing + O
( - )  S + Had + Not + Been + V-ing + O
( ? ) Had + S + Been + V-ing + O  ?
Example :
( + ) I had been waiting for my girlfriend for two hours.
( - ) I had not been waiting for my girlfriend for two hours.
( ? ) Had I been waiting for my girlfriend for two hours ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Had + Been + ( Being ) + ANA ( Complement )
( - ) S + Had + Not + Been + ( Being ) + ANA ( Complement )
( ? ) Had + S + Been + ( Being ) + ANA ( Complement )
( + ) She had been ( being ) here for one hour
( - ) She had not been ( being ) here for one hour
( ? ) Had she been ( being ) here for one hour ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Had + Been + V-ing + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Had + S + Been + V-ing ?
            Example :
            I had been looking for you for a week
            a                      b             c         d
            a. Who had been looking for you for a week ?
            b. What had I been doing ?
            c. Whom had I been looking for for a week ?
            d. How long had I been looking for ?

            Keterangna waktu ( Adverb of time ) yang digunakan
-          For……when        = selama……ketika
-          While…..for          = sementara …..selama

  1. Future Tense
  1. Simple Future Tense
Di gunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan terjadi/dilaksanakan di di masa yang akan datang.
Example : I shall go to your home tonight, they will come to the post office next week

Verbal Sentence
Pola kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + V-1 + O
( - )  S + Will/Shall + Not + V-1 + O
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + V-1 + O ?
Example :
( + ) We will visit our grandmother tomorrow
( - ) We will not visit our grandmother tomorrow
( ? ) Will we visit our grandmother tomorrow ?

Auxiliary Will digunakan untuk semua subject
Auxiliary Shall digunakan untuk subject I & We

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + Be + ANA ( Complement )
( - ) S + Will/Shall + Not + Be + ANA ( Complement )
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Be + ANA ( Complement ) ?
Example :
( + ) She will be a secretary
( - ) She will not be a secretary
( ? ) Will she be a secretary ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Will + V-1 + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Will/Shall + S + V-1 ?
                  Example :
                  She will come to me tonight
                    a              b          c      d
                 a. Who will come to me tonight ?
                 b. What will she do ?
                 c. Whom will come tonight ?
                 d. When will she come to me ?

            Keterangan waktu yang di gunakan
-          Tonight                              = mala mini
-          Next week                         = minggu depan
-          Next…                              = ……depan
-          This week end                   = akhir pekan ini
-          Tomorrow                         = besok
-          Soon                                  = segera
-          The day after tomorrow    = besok lusa
-          Etc….

  1. Future Continuous ( progressive ) Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas atau kegiatan yang akan sedang terjadi di waktu trtntu di masa yang akan datang.
Example : I will be doing my homework at 06.00 o’clock tomorrow

Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + Be + V-ing + O
( - )  S + Will/Shall + Not + Be + V-ing + O
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Be + V-ing + O ?
Example :
( + ) They will be watching movie at 07.00 o’clock tonight.
            ( - ) They will not be watching movie at 07.00 o’clock tonight.
            ( ? ) Will they be watching movie at 07.00 o’clock tonight.

            Nominal Sentence
            Pola Kalimat :
            ( + ) S + Will/Shall + Be + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
            ( - ) S + Will/Shall + Not + Be + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
            ( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Be + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
            Example :
            ( + ) He will be ( being ) an actor
            ( - ) He will not be ( being ) an actor
            ( ? ) Will he be ( being ) an actor ?

            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Will + Be + V-ing + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Shall/Will + S + Be + V-ing ?
                        Example :
                        Her father will be advising his daughter
                           a                               c       d
                               b                                         e
                        a. Whose father will be advising his daughter
                        b. Who will be advising his daughter
                        c. What  will my father be doing ?
                        d. Whose daughter will my father advising ?
                        e. Whom will my father be advising ?

            Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          By this time tomorrow                  = Pada saat ini besok
-          At this time tomorrow                  = Pada saat ini besok
-          At 08.00 o’clock tonight               = Pada pukul 08.00 nanti malam
-          All day tomorrow                         = sepanjang hari besok
-          Etc…

  1. Future Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa/perbuatan yang akan sudah terjadi atau dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.
Example : By this time tomorrow, I will have left Cirebon

Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + Have + V-3 + O
( - )  S + Will/Shall + Not + Have + V-3 + O
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Have + V-3 + O ?
 Example :
( + ) Sakinah will have passed her university
( - )  Sakinah will not have passed her university
( ? ) Will sakinah have passed her university ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Will/Shall + Not + Have + Been + ANA ( complement )
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Have + Been + ANA ( complement )
Example :
( + ) I will have been at school by this time next week
( - ) I will not have been at school by this time next week
( ? ) Will I have been at school by this time next week ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Will + Have + V-3 + O
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W + Will/Shall + S + Have + V-3 ?
                        Example :
                        My mother will have gone to Surabaya
                              a                            b            c
                        a. Who will have gone to Surabaya ?
                        b. What will my mother have done ?
                        c. Where will my mother have gone ?

            Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          In two years time                          = dalam waktu dua tahun
-          By this time next year                   = pada saat ini tahun depan
-          By the end of……                                    = menjelang akhir……
-          By next august                              = menjelang Agustus depan
-          By…….                                        = menjelang

  1. Future Perfect Continuous ( progressive ) Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan sudah dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang tetapi perbuatan tersebut masih berlangsung pada waktu itu.
Example : We shall have been studying English for five years by next month.

Verbal sentence
Pola kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + V-ing + O
( - )  S + Will/Shall + Not + Have + Been + V-ing + O
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Have + Been + V-ing + O ?
Example :
( + ) We will have been studying English
( - ) We will not have been studying English
( ? ) Will we have been studying English ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
( - ) S + Will/Shall + Not + Have + Been + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
( ? ) Will/Shall + S + Have + Been + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
Example :
( + ) She will have been ( being ) here for a month by this time next month
( - ) She will not have been ( being ) here for a month by this time next month
( ? ) Will she have been ( being ) here for a month by this time next month ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Will + Have + Been + V-ing + O
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Will/Shall + S + Have + Been + V-ing ?
                        Example :
                        We shall have been discussing for an hour by this time tomorrow
                         a                                   b                    c                      d
                        a. Who will have been discussing for an hour by this time tomorrow ?
                        b. What shall we have been doing ?
                        c. How long shall we have been discussing by this time tomorrow ?
                        d. When shall we have been discussing for an hour ?

Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          By the end of….                           = menjelang akhir
-          For five years by next month        =  selama lima tahun menjelang bulan depan
-          By this time next….                      = pada saat ini….depan
-          For…..by…..                                 = selama……menjelang…..

  1. Past Future
  1. Simple Past Future
-          Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang seharusnya dilakukan di waktu lampau.
-          Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang akan dilakukan di masa lampau tetapi aktifitas itu tidak terlaksana.
Example : I would visit you last night but I was very busy

            Verbal Sentence
            Pola Kalimat :
            ( + ) S + Would/Should + V-1 + O
            ( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + V-1 + O
            ( ? ) Would/Should + S + V-1 + O ?
            Example :
            ( + ) They would come to my house yesterday
            ( - )  They would not come to my house yesterday
            ( ? ) Would they come to my house yesterday ?

            Auxiliary Would digunakan untuk  semua subject
            Auxiliary Should digunakan untuk subject I & We

            Nominal Sentence
            Pola Kalimat :
            ( + ) S + Would/Should + Be + ANA ( complement )
            ( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + Be + ANA ( complement )
            ( ? ) Would/Should + S + Be + ANA ( complement ) ?
            Example :
            ( + ) My uncle would be here yesterday
            ( - ) My uncle wouldn’t be here yesterday
            ( ? ) Would my uncle be here yesterday ?

            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.        Untuk Menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Would + V-1 + O ?
            b.    Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Would/Should + S + V-1 ?
                        Example :
                        She would visit me yesterday
                          a                       b       c
                        a. Who would visit me yesterday ?
                        b. Whom would she visit yesterday ?
                        c. When would she visit me ?

            Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          Yesterday….                     = kemarin
-          Last week                          = minggu lalu
-          Last…                               = …….lalu
-          ……ago                            = …….lalu
-          Etc…..

  1. Pat Future Continuous ( Progressive ) Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakn aktifitas yang akan atau seharusnya sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Example : We would be discussing the homework with our teacher at 08.00 a.m. yesterday.

Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Would/Should + Be + V-ing + O
( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + Be + V-ing + O
( ? ) Would/Should + S + Be + V-ing + O ?
Example :
( + ) We would be studying English on Sunday last week
( - )  We would not be studying English on Sunday last week
( ? ) Would we be studying English on Sunday last week ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Would/Should + Be + ( being )  + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + Be + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
( ? ) Would/Should + S + Be + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
Example :
( + ) Sakinah would be ( being ) here at 06.00 a.m. yesterday
( - ) Sakinah would not be ( being ) here at 06.00 a.m. yesterday
( ? ) Would Sakinah be ( being ) here at 06.00 a.m. yesterday ?

            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Would + Be + V-ing + O ?
            b.    Untik menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W + Would/Should + S + Be + V-ing ?
            Example :
            We would be studying English.
              a                       b            c
            a. Who would be studying English ?
            b. What would we be doing ?
            c. What would we be studying ?

            Keterangan watu ( Adverb Of Time ) yang digunakan :
-          On Sunday last week                    = pada hari minggu minggu yang lalu
-          By this time yesterday                  = menjelang saat ini kemarin
-          At ……o’clock yesterday             = pada pukul…..kemarin

  1. Past Future Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan aktifitas yang seharusnya sudah dilakukan di masa lampau
Example : I would have seen her if you had come here yesterday

Verbal Sentence
Pola Kalimt :
( + ) S + Would/Should + Have + V-3 + O
( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + Have + V-3 + O
( ? ) Would/Should + S + Have + V-3 + O ?
Example :
( + ) My big family would have visited Bali
( - )  My big family would not have visited Bali
( ? ) Would my big family have visited Bali ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Would/Should + Have + Been + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + Have + Been + ANA ( complement )
( ? )  Would/Should + S + Have + Been + ANA ( complement )
Example :
( + ) Rudi would have been a businessman by last month
( - ) Rudi would not have been a businessman by last month
( ? ) Would Rudi have been a businessman by last month ?

Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Would + Have + V-3 + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Would/Should + S + Have + V-3 ?
            Example :
            Ulfa would have studied English by the end of last month
              a                            b           c                         d
            a. Who would have studied English by the end of last month ?
            b. What would Ulfa have done ?
            c. When would Ulfa have studied English ?

            Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          By……..                           = menjelang
-          By the end of……                        = menjelang akhir
-          By the end of last month  = menjelang akhir bulan lalu
-          By last month                    = menjelang bulan lalu
-          By last Christmas              = menjelang Natal yang lalu

  1. Past Future Perfect  Continuous ( Progressive ) Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang seharusnya telah sedang berlangsung beberapa lama di waktu lampau.
Example : They would have been painting my house for a week by last month.

Verbal sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Would/Should + Have + Been + V-ing + O
( - ) S + Would/Should + Not + Have + Been + V-ing + O
( ? ) Would/Should + S + Have + Been + V-ing + O ?
Example :
( + ) I would have been teaching English for a month by last month
( - ) I would not have been teaching English for a month by last month
( ? ) Would I have been teaching English for a month by last month ?

Nominal Sentence
Pola Kalimat :
( + ) S + Would/Should + Have + Been + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
( - )  S + Would/Should + Not + Have + Been + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
( ? ) Would/Should + S + Have + Been + ( being ) + ANA ( complement )
            Example :
            ( + ) She would have been ( being ) here for a week by last week
            ( - )  She would not have been ( being )  here  for a week by last week
            ( ? )Would she have been ( being ) here for a week by last week ?
            Menggunakan Kata Tanya ( Question Word )
a.       Untuk menanyakan subject
Q.W. + Would + Have + Been + V-ing + O ?
            b.   Untuk menanyakan selain subject
                  Q.W. + Would/Should + S + Have + Been + V-ing ?
                        Example :
                        Sakinah would have been reading a novel for a week by the end of last week.
                            a                                        b                        c
a.       Who would have been reading a novel for a week by the end of last week
b.       What Would Sakinah have been doing ?
c.       What would Sakinah have been reading for a week by the end of last week ?

Keterangan waktu ( adverb of time ) yang digunakan :
-          For…… by……                            =selama………menjelang…………
-          For…….. by the end…….            = selama …. Menjelang akhir…..
-          For a month by last January          = selama sebulan menjelang January lalu

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